Speaking of my sister, she was much braver than me. She liked to sit on the dock but I liked to sit on the grass near the dock.
She even stood right by the edge of the dock when Mommy was in swimming:
Mommy saw her and picked her up IN THE WATER!!!! Mommy tried this with me and I wiggled and scratched. Mommy put me back on the dock and said she'd never try that again. But Pearl likes the water for some reason.
She even swam! Well, okay. She doesn't really swim. Mommy has to hold her but she HAD FUN!!!! Boy, my big sister is one brave crazy pug.
There were lots of other animals with us at the lake. These guys are called "loons" and they make pretty singing noises. They came so close to the dock, Mommy had to take about 100 pictures.
Nobody was crazy about this guy. He was very big and very scary. Thankfully he stayed under the dock most of the time:
This guy was also big but not very scary. He flew into my head a few times. I tried to catch him but he was very fast:
The smallest cats in the world were INSIDE the cottage. Mommy called them "kittens". I tried to catch them to play with them but they didn't want to play with me. Too bad. We could have had fun. Here's Miss Bella:
And here is Max:
And this is me! Sitting by the dock hoping dinner is soon.
We have LOTS more pictures but Mommy thinks these were some of the best.
We hope everyone is having a good summer!
Pug love from,
Wow! Pearl is so brave! Watch out Michael Phelps!
Hi Daisy, Pearl and Sue!
We have been thinking of you!
What great pictures!
I love Pearl swimming! You both are cutie patooties!
m & e
great pics :) I especially like the one of Pearl "swimming". She is brave! I somehow can't see Rosie doing that!!
Lucky loves swimming. She and Pearl would get along great! Glad you had fun. Great photos.
Hi, Daisy!
I'd love to have a lake near here to go there and swim!
Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Kisses and hugs
I think that it was really sweet how Pearl hung out and watched over your Mom while she was swimming! Very nice indeed!
Glad that you all had a good time!
Jemima Jones Beck
Looks like a fun trip. You should have mentioned you were going near a lake....we have 4 life vests! We sure could have let you borrow 2!
yay - we're glad you're back, those pictures are great!
You girls looks so cute! I just love seeing pictures of the two of you. Pearl is very brave to go swimming and you look adorable sun bathing on the dock. I'm glad you had so much fun.
Oh that looks like so much fun.
We missed you! Looks like your vacation was lots of fun!
Indy doesn't like swimming either! So I don't blame you! :)
I am with you Daisy . . . big bodies of water are not for pugs. I leave the swimming up to the labradors.
You tow look so happy on your vacation!!!
Great photos! Looks like cottage time was fun. Adorable pugs!
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