1. The last band I saw live was Great Big Sea.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is playing board games.
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is going okay. I have a bit more time this year because normally I have to mail a lot of my gifts to Montreal. Since we're going for a visit over the holidays, I'll bring them all.
4. Thoughts of my mom who died earlier this year fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear clothes that I want to wear. Because I'm on the chubby size, they don't make a lot of the cuter clothes in my size.
6. Bagpipes are cool. I lived in Scotland for 2 years and saw the best bagpipe playing at an international competition and heard the eeriest, most moving bagpipes at Loch Ness where a lone piper played amongst the ruined castle.
7. And as for the weekend, a dear friend is taking me to the spa and then we're going to the Nutcracker.
And just for fun, here's a picture of Daisy I took last week. I call it "Block of Beige".