As you can see, I'm not a happy puggie.

It all started yesterdays...
I woke up, ate my breakie, went outside with my sister, then played with Daddy. But then something weird happened. I got taken to see my vet, Dr. G. Usually, I don't mind going to see Dr. G since I go every 3 weeks to have my bum squeezed but yesterday was way different!
This time I went there and they LEFT ME!!!!!! I waited and waited until after the lunches and then Dr. G gave me something that made me feel real sleepy. Next thing I knew, I wokes up to THIS!!!! The horribles collar around my neck. What was Dr. G thinking?!
I'm having a hard times doing everything. I bumped into Mommy's calves about 20 times already because I can't tell how bigs I am with the collar. Mommy had to put carrots on my water bowl so I would drink out of it. Mommy says, too, that I am acting exactly the way I act when I wear clothes - I just sit down and look terribly terribles - exactly the way I feels with this dumb thing around my neck.
The list of terrible terribles goes on. I can't play. I can't go up and down the stairs. I have to have my leg wiped dry every time I come in from the back yard! And I get snow in the collar because it's stupid. And I can't lick anyone's feet!
Even though the collar is the worst, you wouldn't believe what I discovered - Dr. G also shaved my front leg and put some stitches in it, the kind Mommy uses to stitch up her crochet stuffed animals. I think Dr. G has gone off the rails.
So you can see how terribles my life is now. Mommy says I have to keep the collar on for 2 whole weeks. That's like 75 sleeps to a puggie!
But there is one good thing about my lifes and that's my wonderful bloggy friends. Thanks for all your comments and helping Mommy feels better yesterday. She said she aged 10 years over the past couple of days which isn't great because she's so old already!
Mommy also wants me to tell you that Dr. G said the thing they took out of my leg (what?!! they took something out of me?!) doesn't look like anything to be worried about - but Mommy is going to worry anyway until they tell her for sure that was nothing serious. We should find out by the end of next week. Until then I am just going to curl up on the couch. Wake me when this stupid collar is off!