Sorry that we haven't posted in awhile. Mommy needs to help us with the 'puter but she's been super duper busy and really just having fun in the sun. Harumph.
Below are pictures of what was keeping her busy on this past weekend. They had an "air show" at the airport right next to our house. We think it should have been called a "noise show". The planes zooping over our house were so loud but Mommy loved it. She says she doesn't understand why she likes fighter jets so much because normally she's like us and doesn't like much noise. But all weekend she's like "Top Gun, yeah!"- whatever that means.
Anyhow, here's one of the really noisy planes. It's called an F15. It's getting ready to bother everyone:
And here it is flying, making a nuisance of itself (Mommy thinks it's a beautiful thing. We think she's a little nutty):
We're actually getting ready to go away AGAIN to visit some friends at their cottage in Canada today but we wanted to tell our BIG NEWS!!!! Mommy finally bought a super duper fancy shmancy camera!!!! At first we weren't sure about it. It's sure is a lot bigger than our old camera but then we saw how wonderful we look in the pictures and now we love it too.
Here I am on our friends' deck:
And here's baby Daisy not looking quite as cute as me but pretty close:
We hope everyone is doing well. Mommy promises to be a better blogging friend when holidays are over!
Pug love from,
Congrats on the new camera. We are still waiting for ours to be liberated by the police. Enjoy your time off!
Pearl you look cute! Us older puggers always do!!!!
Hi, friends!
Sure that show was pawesome! I don't like noise too much and I bark when I hear a plane. The airport is close to our house too!
Congratulations on you new camera! What kind is it?
Kisses and hugs
wow, what camera did you get. THose are great photos
I think we could almost hear those jets at our house!!! LOL
Have a great trip. We'll be seeing you REAL soon!!!! Enjoy the new camera.
Oooh new camera! Fun!
Airshows are pretty cool.. yay topgun! Did you hear they are making a sequel? Or planning to...
Enjoy your holidays!
Congrats on the new camera! And the pugs are as adorable as ever. (Yes, even Daisy)
Yeah. Planes are pretty darn exciting!
Jemima Jones Beck
That jet thing does look loud! I would bark my head off at it!
Hi girls!
Hope you are having fun on vacation!
Love Clover xo
Hi Pearl and Daisy!!! I got your package in the mail yesterday, and I was SO SUPER EXCITED! Everything you got for me was TOTALLY PAWSOME! I am blogging about it tomorrow. Please come by and see how much I loved what you got me!
You should be getting yours next week. *paws crossed* I've never shopped for cute pugs before, so I am a little nervous about how you'll like what I got you both.
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