Daisy here!
So I's been thinking that Mommy has been having a bit too much fun and relaxation this summers and thought it was time to shake things up.
This is me yesterday morning before the trouble started:

It's hard to tell by just looking at me but my belly was getting ready to go all "Excorsism-y" (like the pea soup only from the other end). The Big-D (diarrhea) started just after lunch when I asked to go out and then stayed in the mudroom where I left Mommy an unexpected present. It wasn't much but it was enough to scare Mommy. Even when I was a puppy and had wormies, the Big-D didn't just leave me unannounced. The unexpected pooping happened a few more times, in the living room and kitchen. I felt like a cow!
Things got worse. Mommy tried to give me the tiniest piece of bean later because she and Daddy had to go out and I had to go in my crate and I ALWAYS get bean. I sniffed it but didn't want it. This has NEVER happened, evers. This worried Mommy more, but not quite enoughs so I then put on my saddest, sickest face and could hardly move around the house. But even that wasn't enough, so I had some poops with what might have been bloods.
That did it.
Mommy brought me to the emergencies vets at 9:00 last night. Everybody said I was really cute and the doctor gave me some medicine. Mommy felt felt better because she learned I didn't have a fever which she was worried about.
Today, I'm feelings much better. I had some Big-D this morning but it wasn't like yesterday at all so Mommy and the vet think I'm on the mend. I hope so, too, because I'm getting hungry! (I don't like rice for breakfast - the chicken was good though...)