First we'll do the fridge meme. Then we'll show off our fancy new award.
Rules for the meme:
- Show us a photo of the front of your Fridge
- Tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it
- Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL! And no fair cleaning it up first!!
Here's the front of her in all her glory! Actually, it's not too busy today. I used to have a lot more magnets but I got rid of a bunch when we moved 2 years ago. Here some highlights of what you see:
1) A professional picture of Pearl taken a couple of years ago for a Humane Society fundraiser and contest. She didn't win cutest pet but she should have!
2) The Pug Notes post card that came with my t-shirt and print. To me the card was a bonus goody.
3) A pug magnet Pearl won at the Dallas Fort Worth Pugoween the 2nd year we went (she was voted cutest pug in a costume and she wore the lobster costume I made for her)
4) A baby announcement from my brother in law
5) A notice about Clinique buy 2 get one 3 sale (I need to check if it's expired)
6) The greatest invention in the known world - my dry erase board. (Great Big Sea is written on it because they are coming to town and I'm going to see about getting tickets)
7) 3 funny, funky magnets my friend Rachel brought me back from Canada
8) House Mouse grocery listers
A view of the side and some things found on it:
1) A Dogbert magnet. The bubble reads, "Dance like it hurts. Love like you need money. Work like people are watching".
2) Pearl's Cutest Dog of the Month award from our friends Mary & Josie
3) A Farscape magnet featuring the evil Scorpy (we've been watching season one lately. It's soooo good)
And now for what's inside...too much stuff! We went grocery shopping yesterday after a week away so the thing is packed mostly with vegies and a big package of chicken breasts.
And now...the award!
The rules for accepting the award are as follows:
1. Add the logo of the award to my site
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your site
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
I nominate:
Jemima Jones Beck
Pug Possessed
MeiMei & Miko
Bella & Perogi
Owned by Pugs
Roxy & Lucky
Have fun!
Hi, friends!
Congratulations on your Brillante Award!
You have lots of things on your fridge!
Kisses and hugs
hi pearl and daisy
your mom made my day. great fridge meme!
m & e
Good work on your meme! And congrats on the award!
Love Clover xo
Congrats on the award. Neat fridge photos. We like non naked fridges. Thank you very much for giving both to us! We really appreciate it. We did the fridge meme last week. Our fridge is really not naked. haha As long as everything is higher than I can reach.
congratulations on the award! You definitely deserve it :)
I would love to go see Great Big Sea!! They were here recently and I missed them (they were with Spirit of the West).. how fun would that be?
Congrats on the award. Mommy thinks your black fridge is way cool . . . she wishes she has the guts for that color.
Mommy just got back from her business trip so we will be doing the meme soon!
Nice fridge! I did this one too you'll have to check it out.
Yay! I finally got around to doing the fridge meme!
Woof, Pugs
Love your fridge, we think all fridges should be covered with everthing. Hope that there's good stuff inside.
Desert Pups here just saying woof and roaming the neighborhood looking for new pals cause we're new in town
Woof, woof
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence
thanks for playing!!
And just wanted to let you know - we're hosting a competition over at our blog - check out our latest entry for all the details. We hope you can participate!
Love seeing the photo of your frig!
hi pearl & daisy,
you two are so huggable :)
and i love dat u put stuff on the side of your fridge.... more spaceee :D
pochi poronchi
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