1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper. I feel like I can do more with it. When I'm feeling particularly energetic, I like to do ribbons and the whole shebang.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real baby! Growing up we always had the same artificial tree. Real was never even an option. I love going to chop our own (so does Daisy!).
3. When do you put up the tree? I used to put it up 2 weeks before Christmas. This year I put it up after Thanksgiving.
4. Wreath on your door? Yes - a handmade one. It's pretty simple but I like it.
5. Do you like eggnog? I lurv eggnog but it doesn't love me.
6. Favourite Christmas gift received as a child? Barbie airplane. I can still remember the smell of that thing. Ooooh, plastic. I loved it!
7. Easiest person to buy for? Hubbie is easy because he gives a nice long list but I also like to get him things that aren't on his list and that can be difficult.
8. Least easiest? My sister. I feel like I buy her the same thing every year - well different versions of it!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I love Christmas cards but they are time consuming and each year I feel like I get to them later and later. But I will prevail. I will!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? When I was a teenager I HATED oranges with a passion. I thought everyone knew this but apparently, "Santa" didn't because he left 3 in my stocking.
12. Favourite Christmas Movie? Scrooged.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Boxing day. I kid not.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I honestly can't remember.
15. Open presents on Christmas eve or morning? We open our main gifts on Christmas Eve and our stockings in the morning (you have to wait for Santa after all to fill the stockings...geesh)
16. Lights on the tree? I have always had multi-colored lights but next year I may go all white.
17. Favourite Christmas song? Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We used to travel to our families every year but we've pretty much stopped that. Except this year we're going to Montreal for a few days around New Year's.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Rudolph.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? An angel and she is the happiest little angel you've ever seen!
21. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? I'm on a special diet because of health stuff so I'm going to pass on this question.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Christmas music!!! I get so sick of hearing it.
23. Favourite Tree ornament, theme or colour? Uh...oh, I really like the new Hello Kitty dressed as an Eskimo I bought last year on Boxing Day at Target for like 2 bucks.
24. Favourite for Christmas dinner? See answer to question #21
25. Brussels Sprouts - love or hate them? Love.
26. Favourite accompaniment to the Christmas Pud? I like the word "Pud" but again see #21. No sugar for the puggie mama.
27. Favourite Christmas Carol? What Child Is This
28. Your very Favourite Christmas Thing? Getting to spend holiday time with my sweetie and puggie pies
29. A Christmas wish! Peace and good health for all
30. Tag a Seasonal Six! Anyone who is reading this is tagged!
Each year since I got Pearl I've taken a Christmas photo of her that I include in our Christmas cards. Last year was the first Pearl and Daisy Christmas photo. Here it is:
That's a great Christmas meme. I may have to tell Owner Girl to do it! I love the picture of Pearl and Daisy! So cute!
oh my goodness sue!
i love that picture of daisy and pearl!
you totally just made my whole day!
Good job with the Christmas meme!
Did you hate oranges?
Daisy and Pearl look so cute in that picture!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
ohmigod, how cute is that picture?? classic.
And I'm still gawking at the fact that your vet thoughts WORMS were CANCER!! It's like my aunt told me after we got Clementine's (real) results: "What do you call the person who graduated last in medical school? DOCTOR." Oh well.
Oh how adorable, I just love Daisy and Pearl's Christmas spirit picture. They are the most adorabe elf and reindeer I ever did see.
Pug Hugs,
Awesome photo! Pearl looks like she is thinking "not this again" and Daisy is thinking "wow, this is fun"! Too cute!
I really need to do that meme! lol
And I hated the oranges too.
And i love the photo!!!
Those are great answers. Thanks for doing that. Great photo of the pus all dressed up.
Great work on the meme! And I LOVE that picture!! Awww!
Love Clover xo
That picture is so so so funny!! merry Christmas!!
Hi friends!
I left an award for you on my blog yesterday!
Love Clover xo
Hi - I found you through Pug Hugs. Your Christmas picture is wonderful. I'll be checking in regularly, as I am a Pug Nut, and proud of it!
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