In other puggy news, me and Mommy are going to Pugstock today to help raise money for poor rescue and puppy mill puggies. Since Pearl doesn't like big gatherings with other dogs, she and Daddy are going over to help our friends build their pool.
Wick you later!
Oh how nice. Ricky liks to wick too, he can drive me crazy sometimes.
hi pearl and daisy!
i cannot wait to hear about your pool buliding and pugstock adventures.
daisy, your photos today are too cute for words.
melissa and emmitt
Hi, Daisy!
I am not a fan of licking toes but looking at you I maybe be trying it!
Sounds like everyone had fun this day!
Let us know about Pugstock and the pool building, ok?
Kisses and hugs
Gus loves to lick too.. everything! :)
Hope you have fun at Pugstock and pool building! pugs are OBSESSED with licking (and occasionally attacking) my toes.
That's how I wake the humans up: with a wittow wicking all over da face!
doesn;t looks like 9 years .... :S
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