Daisy and I went to a Halloween party at a place called the Garden Factory. I was pretty surprised because doggies aren't usually allowed in the garden as they tend to eat everything (flowers are yummy!) but the people at the Garden Factory mustn't care one hoot about that because there were about a bazillion dogs there. I didn't get to munch on any flowers but I did see a puppy eating a pumpkin.
Daisy went as a chicken which is perfect Mom says because she's such a fraidy-pug. This is her at home in her whole costume. When we got to the party, she wouldn't wear the head part and everybody kept thinking she was an angel. Yeah, right. An angel!!! She had them fooled!

Here she is at the party after oh, about, 3 minutes.

More of Daisy just because Mom thinks she's cute (you can't blame Mom, she's not wearing her new bifocals right now).

This is me giving the raspberry to somebody but I can't remember why. It was maybe one of those people who say pugs are so ugly we're cute. Hey, lady, we're just cute, dontcha know!!!

Can you tell what I am? A squirrel. A big one.

Me and my sister, the angel chicken.

We found a pumpkin patch! Who knew that they grew at the Garden Factory?!

Mom's hoping to take us to another Halloween party. We don't know what's up with Mom, but it's her favorite holiday so we'll help her out if we can.
oh you two are the cutest squirrel and chicken we have ever seen!
all of your photos just made our whole day!
we love you guys!
m & e
Well, heck.....Daisy looks like a angel tuh ME!
Great squirrel costume! Just don't let our pal, Salinger gitcha!
How khute!
Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs with us!
A chicken and a squirrley never looked so good! I thought you had a football but I guess it's a nut
Benny & Lily
OHHH a SQUIRREL!!! Look out...I am now a MASTER squirrel chaser!
You are the CUTEST two puggies in your costumes!!! Did you win a lot of prizes???
Oh look how adorable in your little chicken and squirell outfits!
How precious.
You brought big smiles to our faces!
Oh you two are so cute!
Hi, Daisy and Pearl!
You two look adorable!
An angel chicken and a squirrel!
I hope you had fun at the party!
Kisses and hugs
Pearl you are a trooper wearing that squirrel costume so proudly and Daisy does look like a precious angel or uh chicken. BOL - So cute!!
You girls look so cute! You are much better than I am in my hot dog costume. I just hide when I am wearing it! Humiliation!!!
Love their costumes, adorable!
Aww you too are adorable! I have seen that squirrel costume and I love it!! hahaha
Angel Chicken bol! we love it. You guys' look Verrry cute in your costumes.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Oh my gosh these costumes are too cute!!! Love that squirrel costume.
You both lok so sweet in your costumes!!!! We just love them!!!
Oh my god that squirel costume is the CUTEST thing! Where did you get it? I must have one!
Ahh you two look so cute dressed up. We love the pic by the pumpkins!
Lovely costumes! Did any doggy chase the squirrel?
Your costumes are great!
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