First we found, Mayah, the lab puppy:

Next, we found baby bunnies (okay, we didn't find them. Our neighbor showed them to Mommy. For some reason we're not allowed to say hi to them - maybe Mommy thinks we might eat them...?)

And then we found a chipmunk. And he's not actually in our neighbors' yard. He's in our driveway looking at their yard. He lives in our downspout and feeds at our bird feeder.

We wonder if you have found anything interesting in your neighbors' yards?
I saw a chipmunk the other week on my way...I was FURRY interested!
Of khourse, I think my favourite new diskhovery were the dukhks!
Happy Sunday!
Khyra sister cat is been chasing birds and making Mama very not happy camper!! I don't much like it either!! She is aiming to misbehave! I have bunnies in my yard but they be safe in a cage. I never seen a chipmunk round here, but we suddenly have squirrels in our space!! Whoo hoo!!
Hugs to you twos..Lucy Lu
BTW my Mama loves the bunnies and that sweet lookin'pup!!
Today Jesse James was outside in the yard and I have no idea what he saw but he raced back inside like his tail was on fire; bushy tail, ridge of fur sticking up on his back, eyes wild and ears back- the full works ! Poor guy !
You have very interesting creatures there!
Here?? Nothing! Not even birds!
Kisses and hugs
We have some snakes, and all kinds of happy little birds. We had some deer in our yard last week.
One day we had a cougar- but mommy scarred it off with her voice!
Brave mama.
You have lots of interesting ones too.
Pearl and Daisy, mom saw a possum on the street tonight. Dang, those things are ugly!
Our neighbors have a pile of old newspapers on their doorstep that is so tall that I have to walk around it - I can't even jump it!
Gus finds our neighbors black great dane who is about the same age. They run along the fence together when Gus escapes our backyard. :)
Yes that is the problem with the summer hiatus.. but the good news is it is coming back for season 5 and possibly season6!!
Hi girls!
Thanks for swinging by my new blog! I am feeling deja vu, like maybe I already said that to you, but I can't remember?
Usually the most interesting thing in my neighbours yards is another dog! But there was a raccoon in MY yard this weekend!
Love Clover xo
Our yard is very boring. We just have birds.
hi pearl and daisy!
yes we did! his name is BUBBA and he is the hugest bunny in the world. he was in our yard the other day and he is almost as big as emmitt!
my neighbor said he lives under his porch and told us his name.
it fits!
The Prettiest Princess Pekingese, Baby, goes for several walks a day. Her favorite things to see are the bunnies and the ducks. Her least favorite thing is the woodchuck that keeps coming up on her deck and won't go away even when she barks ferociously.
Hi girls! it took a while for mom to find the bunny in the picture. Well, she found it today because she is using the computer. The phone's screen is too small! And the chipmunk is so cute! mom remembers watching some of those in Ottawa, she remembers them more than the buildings she saw...
Wow, those sure are tiny bunnies (Mommy had to look hard to find them). Since we moved to Florida, we have just seen lizards in our yards (and fire ants -- blech!)
Your mom should let you meet the bunnies...they need your licks!!
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