That's because when we went to the vet this week to see about the redness on my belly and some very dark spots on my skin,

he said I'm not allowed any more treats because I have allergies. None. Nada. Not one. Not a piece of apple. Not banana. Not cauliflower. Not the yummy meaty treats that come in a bag. The only thing I am allowed is green beans. Don't get me wrong, I love beans but I also love everything else.
Mommy and Daddy have been trying to fool me, too. When Daddy gets his apple out and gives some to Pearl, he pretends he's giving me some and gives me bean instead. I don't let on that I know what's going on. I mean, who's going to look a gift bean in the mouth?
At least my sister snuggled with me this week. Though she sometimes lets me lie beside her this is the first time she's ever come and put her head on me. I think she was giving me love because she can't give me bananas.

I'm on this incredibly mean to Daisy diet for a couple of weeks and I have to take medication (two kinds!) AND I have to have my belly washed AND lotioned until I go back to see the doctor.
In other news...this is a plant stand Mommy has in her office:

And this is me in the plant stand:

When Daddy saw this picture he asked if Mommy had put me in there. Yeah right! Mommy would never think of something like that. That move is all me!