She didn't mean to make yesterday's post so mysterious. It was all about running out of time. You see, we were in the newspaper! Well, okay, they didn't actually write about us in particular but they did get a picture! Sort of. Mommy was going to take a picture of the article and the picture yesterday but didn't have time (she had a job interview where the man was very mean! She would write about it here but she would have to use lots of bad words that puggies shouldn't hear).
But Mommy learned today that the article is online and she snagged the photo we're in.

As you can see, my patrolling paid off because while I was out there checking things out, a wild pack of dogs came flying through and one of the dogs was attacking my sister Daisy! (Mommy and Daisy say "playing" but I disagree). Mommy didn't see the cafuffle because she was taking a picture of something else but she heard my barking - it was the bark I do when I'm mad at another doggie for attacking my sister.
Of course I'm not exactly barking in the photo. I'm onto the next stage of butt sniffing which really tells the other doggie that I am in charge!
Really, what would Daisy do without me?