Our friends
Wilma, Sluggo and Brigitte were just blogging about bath day and it made us think about baths and how much we hate them. Here is the evidence:

See how unhappy we are? Yeah, it's a tough pug life especially when we have to be put in in sink, covered with soap and then soaked with water.
So you'll never believe what we learned!!!!! A nice lady named Rebecca in Nova Scotia (which means she's Canadian like Mommy and Daddy) has a natural soap company called...drum roll please!!!!...
Pearl & Daisy Natural Soap Company. Look! The soap even has our names on it!

Isn't that awesome? But Rebecca's Pearl & Daisy aren't the same as Mommy's Pearl & Daisy (us!). They are her great-grandmother and aunt.

Even though they look nothing like us, they are very beautiful.
Well, after learning about all this, Mommy says she needs to buy some Pearl and Daisy soap which is great and all that. We just hope she doesn't get any ideas about using it on US!!!!