We went away last weekend and we knew we were going far because we had to go in our crates.

When we got to our hotel room, Pearl relaxed, but I was so excited to be on vacation, I played.

But then I got tired and relaxed too - on the blankie Mommy brought for us. She thinks of everything, that Mommy!

You'd think we'd had enough relaxing but Pearl had even more relaxing to do. This time she rested on the big bed - I still don't go on the big bed. It's for Mommy and Daddy and big sister.

While we were resting, Mommy and Daddy actually went out! To a museum! It was called the Corning Museum of Glass and was only a 5 minute walk from our hotel.
Mommy and Daddy saw lots of cool things in the museum and they were all made of glass! That's pretty cool but I think it would have been even better if everything had been made of kibble or bananas...yummmmm...

Our parents got to make their own glass things by blowing into a long tube. Mommy said she's going to put what they made on the Christmas tree. Me and Pearl will have to be careful not to knock them off!

On the way home we stopped at Watkins Glen State Park where there are all these cool gorges, but they wouldn't let us puggies in. They said some doggies don't like people and some people don't like doggies (yikes!) and because the paths are skinny there could be people-doggie showdowns. We didn't want that so we were glad to get back in the car and snooze all the way home.