Daisy here!
We went on the longest drive EVER - even longer than the drive to Montreal! This time, though, we drove all the way to Bethany Beach, Delaware.
The big drive was worth it thought because we had so much fun on our vacation! The house had a deck where I could sit and bark at everyone who passed by (but I'm nice and quiet in the picture)!

I also got to sit on Daddy's lap! We do that at home too but it was even better at our beach cottage.

Pearl had fun, too. She played with me and Mommy and then barked at Mommy because that's what she does!

She watched "Supernatural" from the couch with me and Mommy:

At first, we weren't sure about where to do our business because all they had was this weird white grass which isn't grass at all but rocks! But after a pee or two, we got the hang of it.

One of the best night's there, we went to the beach and met the nicest people from Virginia - and their pug, Lily!

Me and Lily even sat together. I tried to write "my new bff" in the sand but I was so excited I forgot.

Mommy calls this shot "The Three Amigos".

We also met another doggie named, Buster. She was a sweetie and liked to sit on the blanket her parents brought for her.

Pearl ate a lot of sand. She tried to tell Mommy she was just licking her paws but Mommy didn't believe her.

The ocean scared me, but Pearl was very brave and ran right into it!

And then when the ocean tried to eat her, she ran right back.

Our week was so fun, that we didn't want to leave. Pearl even tried to stop Mommy from filling our bags but Mommy found a way to fill the bags anyway.

We're happy to be home after all but we hope we go back to Delaware next year even if it is the farthest place away on the planet.